Young Adult Fiction / 14 and up (Doubleday Canada, 2017)
It’s been a while since I gushed about a book but Beware That Girl by Teresa Toten is one of the best things I’ve read all summer. It gripped me with a double set of finely manicured nails and not once did it let me go–keeping me up late as I tried to stay one step ahead of Kate who tried to stay one step ahead of Olivia, who were both racing against far more diabolical forces at play. (Even now after I’ve turned the final page, I’m still up, my mind still working to unravel every twisted detail of the plot.)
Beware That Girl is being compared to Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl and I can see why. I loved Gone Girl but I prefer Toten’s narrative style in Beware That Girl. The regular shift in the alternating viewpoints kept the story more immediate to me, the danger much more imminent. I was scrambling in real time to assess what was actually going on.
There is much more that I could say, but I won’t. The less you know about Beware That Girl before you read it, the better it is for the book to have you right where it wants you.