Tell Me a Story

Make Me a Rhyme…


Stewie the Skink loves to make poems.  Can you?

What colour is your favourite animal?  NLSchoolVisit

Can you think of any rhymes to help you write about it?

(Remember that not all poems have to rhyme.)

Use the form on the “Contact Me” page to send your poem

and I’ll post it right here on my Gallery page.

If you’d like, you can include your first name and age.

And remember to get a grown-up’s permission!


Your Poems, Rhymes, Etc.

The Dogs

Two sisters were walking along, their names were Adrianne and Katie. They were walking their dogs. Adrianne’s dog was Hannah and Katie’s dog was Elisha. They were walking to their best friend Erica’s house. Erica also had a dog, her name was Bailey.
Once they picked up Erica and Bailey, they went to the fair. They had so much fun that they forgot their dogs, but they didn’t realize it until they got home. The next day they ran to the fair as fast as they could. They got their dogs and went home. They got in trouble from their Mom’s. Erica had to go home. They all got grounded for a month. When they woke up they had breakfast and were really bored. It was not fun. A month later their dogs ran away, they looked everywhere but they didn’t find them.
The dogs ran away because the head dog had a whistle and every time he blew it every dog in the city would come and huddle up in the park, because they were spy dogs. They went on secret missions, and this time they got dognapped. Adrianne,
Katie and Erica looked everywhere it was no use. A month later they found them they were so happy that they celebrated. They had pop, chips and candy. They all ate until they were full.
Over the next couple days they all had fun playing together at the park. They had so much fun. They went home and had a sleepover it was also really fun. The dogs were so funny when they were playing.
Adrianne, Age 10 & Elisha, Age 10
April, 2013

I Have a Bunny

I have a bunny.
It is quite funny
because it walks and eats meat all day!
Its colour is strange
because it has pink polka dots!
Natalie, Age 7
April 2012

I Am an Owl

 I am an owl,
as brown as fudge.
I devour rats.
I can glide as fast as a roadrunner runs.
I can pinpoint,
and capture my prey.
I am an owl.
I sleep in the day.
Liam, Age 12
April 2012

My Bunny

My bunny is fuzzy.
My bunny is cute.
Danielle, Age 4
April 2012

Drake the Snake

 There was a snake named Drake.
He liked to groove and shake.
He was fast and wooshy!
And he liked sushi.
He is a snake named Drake!
 Gabe, Age 10
May 2012

Gus the Platypus

Gus the platypus
liked to make a fuss
 when he did not get his mush.
When he had a fuss
he liked to crush
bacon and eggs.
Ethan, Age 11
December 2012